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Mandarin Go | The Legend of Chinese Dragons


The dragon occupied the top of a hierarchy, among the approximately 360 scaled creatures of Chinese mythology.It was represented by a mixture of several animals but there were a large number of varieties of dragons depending on its natural habitat.

He is one of the four animals symbolizing the cardinal points.The dragon represents the sunrise,therefore the East,spring and fertility,unlike, for example,the white tiger of the West.

In Taoism,dragons are benevolent and bring happiness and prosperity,whereas with Buddhism their nature has taken on a more threatening aspect.

The dragon was the symbol of the Emperor of China for two millennia,it was then customary to call the Emperor of China, "Dragon".

Dragons embody benevolence and power.They possess supposed powers of control over meteorological phenomena such as,for example,summoning rain during a drought.In China,we find dragons everywhere,in legends, festivals,astrology,arts,names and even toponymy.

Considered good-natured and lucky charms,dragons remain far removed from the terrifying and evil image of fire-spitting dragons encountered in Western tales.


Eight facts about Chinese dragons

1.Creatures of legends,Chinese dragons do not exist in real life and there is no evidence to prove otherwise.

2.The dragon is one of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.

3.In antiquity,emperors were identified as the“sons of dragons”given the “mandate from heaven".Moreover,at that time,“ordinary”people could not own objects decorated with dragons.

4.Chinese dragons symbolize good luck,a favorable environment, power and nobility of soul.Quite the opposite of the descriptions that can be read in tales and legends in the West.

5.Being a powerful symbol,Chinese people with a strong character particularly appreciate having tattoos,on their arms, legs or chest,of motifs relating to the theme of the dragon.Thus,some people mistakenly consider these individuals to be disreputable.

6.Most depictions of Chinese dragons reveal a creature with a long,reptile-like body and the sharp claws of an eagle.It looks much less like a dinosaur unlike what we can see in the West.

7.Although not provided with wings, the Chinese dragons can,nevertheless,"fly" in the sky.

8.Chinese dragons do not breathe fire but can summon rain.Sign of the dragon of the Chinese zodiac:each year,within a 12-year cycle of the lunar calendar,one of the 12 animals of Chinese mythology is associated.Thus,people born in the years1940,1952,1964,1976,1988,2000,2012,or 2024 all belong to the sign of the Dragon.


The Chinese people are said to be "descendants of dragons"

It is said that thousands of years ago,Yandi (a legendary clan leader) was conceived while his
mother saw a mighty dragon in the sky.Helped by the dragon and Huangdi (another legendary clan chief,his ally or brother depending on the version),he initiated the beginning of Chinese civilization.It is for this reason that Yandi and Huangdi are considered the ancestors of the Chinese people.

Over time,the Chinese people referred to themselves as descendants of Yandi and Huangdi as well as the dragon.

Thus,dragons are frequently found in various aspects of Chinese culture ranging from legends concerning the ancestors of Chinese people to current lucky charms,including celebrations at festivals,astrology and conferences. 




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