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MandarinGo I HSK2 |The differences between "要 yào" and"想 xiǎng"Follow Us ☝ “要”和“想”都可以表示个人的希望、愿望、打算。 Both "要" and "想" can express a personal hope, wish, or intention. 1. 想 xiǎng “想”的语气稍弱一些,它只是表示这个人有这种想法,有这种打算,可是去不去做还不一定。例如: "想" is weaker, it just means that the person has this idea or this intention, but maybe not to do it. e.g., 我想买双鞋。(我有“买鞋”的想法,最后买不买鞋不一定。) Wǒ xiǎng mǎi shuāng xié. I want to buy a pair of shoes. To learn more about Chinese and discuss it with Chinese teachers, book a free trial class with Mandarin Go 👇 |