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Common Saying | 贵人多忘事“贵人多忘事” 这里的“贵人”是做大官的人或者做大生意的人。这句话的意思是做大官或者做大生意的人因为事情太多,所以常常会忘记做一些小事。现在一般用在对话中表示客气,说明一个人工作太忙,事情太多,忘记一些小事是可以理解的,有时候也有一种讽刺的意味。
In the saying “贵人多忘事” ,“贵人” refers to "a high-ranking official" or “a successful businessman”. The saying means that one who holds a high government position or does big business often forgets certain trivialities due to the enormous amount of work. Now it is a polite way to say that is is understandable that one who is fully occupied with work or business affairs should forget some trivial matters, sometimes also conveying an ironic tone. To learn more about Chinese and discuss it with Chinese teachers, book a free trial class with Mandarin Go 👇 |